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Edmund Brumfitt Rare Books Ltd was founded in the summer of 2022, but is the result of more than two decades of buying and selling rare books. Having been lured away from graduate study in medieval philosophy by the bright lights of the Olympia Book Fair in 2000, Edmund spent twelve years with Pickering & Chatto before periods dealing under his own name and then three Covid-era years in the Human Sciences department at Bernard Quaritch Ltd. 

Our stock overs a broad range of subjects, but concentrates especially on philosophy, politics, law, religion, and education, with a particular interest in books where some or all of these might be combined. Having grown up in the house of a Voltaire scholar, it was rather inevitable that Edmund might find it hard to resist the gravitational pull of eighteenth-century Europe, and EBRB's interests are centred around that period, with a particular focus on French, German, and Italian books, as well as on the spread of ideas around (and beyond) the continent. We issue two or three lists per year, as well as a number of shorter online bulletins, which can be found on the Lists link above; our latest, which includes 40 highlights for Firsts London 2024, is here. If you would like to be added to our mailing list, to receive catalogues and news of book fairs and other events, click here or use the form below.



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